Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mommy and Me ~ Praying for Your Child(ren)

As parents, we are suppose to protect our children like a lioness protects her cubs. Unfortunately, we can't be with them every waking minute. Even as they grow, our children at some point will have to experiences things on their own. However, just cannot be with them physically all the time that doesn't mean we cannot pray and release angels to guide and protect them. Furthermore, just because we are not with our children everywhere they go that doesn't mean God isn't. I am grateful that I serve a God who is omnipresent. He is everywhere we can't be.

That's why it is important to pray and speak God's word over our children. I found this prayer, but the author is unknown.

A mother's prayer for her children

O God, Creator of all things!

Adding mercy upon mercy, Thou hast deemed me worthy of being a mother; Thy
goodness hath endowed me with children so that I may say: these are Thy
children! For Thou hast given them life, breathed an immortal soul into them,
given them a new birth in a life that is according to Thy will, Thou hast
adopted them and received them into the bosom of Thy Church.

O Lord, preserve them in Thy grace, and until the end of their lives deem them
worthy of receiving the Holy Mysteries of Thy covenant.

Illumine them with Thy truth.

Let Thy Name be holy in them and through them.

Help me by Thy grace to rear them for the glory of Thy Name and for the
benefit of their neighbor.

Give me strength and patience to do this, O Lord, and guide me.

Teach me to plant in their hearts the root of true wisdom - Thy fear.

Endow them with the light of Thy wisdom which governs all things.

Let them learn to love Thee with all their souls and all their thoughts.

Let them cleave unto Thee with all their heart and fear Thy words for as long
as they live.

Endow me with the reason to implant in them the conviction that true life
consists of respecting Thy commandments, that labor fortified with piety
offers all that is needed in this life and unutterable blessedness in

Reveal to them the understanding of Thy law.

Unto the end of their days let them labor feeling Thy omnipresence at all

Embed in their hearts hatred towards all unlawfulness.

Let them be faultless in Thy ways.

Let them always know that Thou, o All-Merciful God, are zealous in Thy laws
and justice.

Preserve them in chastity and trembling before Thy Name, that they may not
shame Thy Church by their behavior, but that they should live according to Her

Give them zeal in their desire for useful learning and enable them to do every
good deed.

Let them acquire a proper understanding of things needed for their everyday
life, illumine them with the knowledge of things beneficial for the human

O Lord, teach me to implant with a permanent seal in their hearts and minds
the wisdom to flee from friendship with those who live not in fear of Thee,
wisdom to decisively turn away from every relationship with the lawless.

That they may not listen to evil talk.

That they heed not imprudent people.

That, led by evil examples, they stray not from Thy path.

That they not be discouraged in that sometimes, in this world, the way of
the lawless is crowned with success.

O Heavenly Father!

Help me by Thy grace to be watchful at all times that I may not scandalize my
children with my actions, but that I may, ever bearing in mind their behavior,
dissuade them from misconceptions, correct their errors, restrain their
stubbornness and self-will.

That they may not gravitate toward pride and reckless deeds.

That they may not be carried away by mindless thoughts.

That they do not follow their desires.

That pride does not infect their thoughts.

That they not forget Thee and Thy law.

That lawlessness does not destroy their minds and health.

That sins do not make feeble their spiritual and bodily strength.

O righteous Judge, Thou who chastiseth offspring unto the third and fourth
generation for the sins of their fathers, avert such vengeance from my
children, punish them not for my sins, but sprinkle them with the dew of Thy
grace, that they may advance in virtue and holiness, that they may grow in Thy
benevolence and in the love of pious men.

O Father, plentious in mercy!

According to my motherly feelings I would that my children enjoy an abundance
of earthly treasures, I desire that they be blessed by the dew in the heavens
and by the good things of the earth, still, let Thy holy will be with them!

Administer their destiny according as Thou pleasest.

Deprive them not of their daily bread.

Endow them with time sufficient for the acquisition of blessed eternity.

Be merciful unto them, when they sin before Thee.

Judge them not for the sins of youth and ignorance.

Make contrite their hearts should they oppose the leading hand of Thy

Chastise them and caress them, direct them on the path that is pleasing to
Thee, but turn not Thy face away from them.

Accept with gracious mind their prayers, and grant them success in every good

Turn not away from them in times of sadness, lest they be beset by temptations
that surpass their strength .

Let the shadow of thy Grace fall upon them, let Thy angel walk with them and
keep them from all calamities and evil ways.

O All-merciful God!

Make me a mother who rejoices in her children, let them be my happiness in all
the days of my life and my support in my old age.

Deem me worthy to stand with them before Thee on the day of Thy dread
judgement and with unworthy courage say: "Here I am and my children which Thou
hast given me, O Lord!"

That together with my children I may glorify Thy unspeakable goodness and Thy
eternal love, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Author Unknown

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